
2010: Renovation roof church tower

In 2010, the roof of the church tower was completely renovated. We thank the many donors and volunteers who made this possible and also actively participated in the work.

2017: Partial collapse of the church ceiling

In June 2017, a great misfortune occurred in the Nadesch Church. Completely unexpectedly, a part of the church ceiling above the organ loft collapsed and fell on the valuable church organ built in 1807 by Samuel Maetz.

Together with many volunteers on site, the HOG Nadesch then took over the damage coordination.

The cause of the collapse was found to be a fungal attack on the wood in the roof truss. The roof was leaking in many places, which meant that the beams of the ceiling above the church hall were exposed to the weather.

In order to draw attention to the issue and to acquire as many sponsorships and donations as possible for the necessary measures, the Förderverein zur Renovierung und Erhaltung der evangelischen Kirche Nadesch e.V. was founded.

Nuremberg City Councilor Werner Henning as 1st Chairman and many committed helpers have since been working together for the preservation of the church.

The expert reports commissioned by experts show that there is a great need for action in the restoration. In order to prevent worse, the first steps have already been taken.

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